Thursday 11 July 2013


Hi & Assalamualaikum.
Hmm. apa yang aku nak share hari ni ehh?
Idea tiba tiba pop up. haha
Pernah tak dalam hidup awak where people underestimate you?
Mesti pernah kan?
Well.. jom tonton video ni..

Ok.. selepas tonton video ni.. what's your comment?
Mesti semua ternganga. Haha.
Cikgu aku pernah tunjukkan video ni dekat aku and kawan2 aku. Ceramah mmotivasi la. Yeah..
So,, this is the solutions..

1-Are they underestimating you? How do you know? How do you know that they aren't right about you? Do you think that you are a lot better they think you are?

2-Okay, then you have confidence in yourself. Good job, because that's the first step.

3-Realize this is a golden opportunity. Proving people wrong is such a fun thing. You have people in your life who think you are a lot less than you are, and wow are you going to surprise them. You are going to surprise them, right? Remember that.

4-Every time they say something negative, remember how you will prove them wrong. Every snicker, mean look, laugh, whisper, negative comment is another opportunity for you to just keep silent and remember the day that their current words will look so dumb. The day they will be proven wrong.

5-Shut your mouth at all costs. Speaking to them will only hurt you. You don't feed a diamond necklace to the dogs, don't feed your positive energy to someone who is negative.

6-Concentrate on your goals. If you concentrate on their negativity, you risk becoming negative and cynical like them. You need to stay positive and concentrate on yourself.

Naaahh.. Ok? 

Hmm.. Next is.. Berani? Ada apa dengan berani? Bukan semua orang dalam dunia ni berani. Betul tak? Berani dalam macam macam perkara. How to face the truth kalau kita tak berani kalau kita sendiri tak berani terima kenyataan kita ni penakut? Haaa.. Listen ..

Hmm.. bukan suruh tengok Miley Cyrus. Tapi cuba dengar lirik dia. It's a good song. Kalau kita sendiri tak mampu nak hilangkan rasa takut dalam diri tak mampu nak pekakkan telinga untuk dengar suara hati kita yang sentiasa cuba kata JANGAN. Then, we'll be a loser. So,, Percaya pada diri yang kita boleh buat. Everything's gonna be fine.  So believe in yourself ! Kerana dirimu begitu berharga. There's A star inside of you. Hanya kau yang mampu menyinarkan ia. Haha. Ayat sumpah pelik gila. Hmm. Haha. Rasanya hari ni punya post dah macam pelik . tak tahu la kenapa. 
Apa apa pun. Goodluck kepada diri aku kerana next week ada Standardized Test 1. Hhaha, Have a nice weekend ! :)

“You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying. To the best you can do everyday.”
Jason Mraz

“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Tiba di akhir kalam,,
jumpa di lain hari..
Salam sayang dari hati - azrahazimah